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Greetings and welcome to Cornerstone Collegiate Academy of Seoul, the home of the Tigers!


Cornerstone Collegiate Academy of Seoul has a reputation for excellence, and we will continue to strive to become the best.  We are about to embark upon a new academic year with great enthusiasm and anticipation of new opportunities that will enhance our instructional program and CCAS community as a whole.


Our faculty and staff are committed to providing innovative lessons to our students, incorporating technology to meet the needs of 21st-century learners.


Our community is dedicated to providing our students with a well-rounded educational experience.  While the core curriculum is provided for all students, we believe that it is critical to provide leadership opportunities, character education, spiritual guidance, and exposure to the technologies to prepare students to compete with their global counterparts.


We encourage you to visit our campus and see that we are an institution committed to children, with a college and career focus.  You will find that this is a vibrant and engaging community of teachers and learners.


To our parents, we believe that your involvement is an essential component of the academic success of your child.   I encourage you to visit our website often, meet your child’s teacher, and to get engaged in all that Mission has to offer.  Your participation in our community is needed and much appreciated!


I look forward to partnering with you on behalf of our future leaders as we are Building Better Futures!


With great appreciation,



Headmistress Kyung Mee Dempsey

Principal's Greeting

I served as a pastor and teacher of the church education sector for the past 25 years. From preschoolers to collegians, I have met a lot of students. Some of them grew up as core members of the society, raised families of their own, and are now parenting their children granted by God with love.


Throughout such experience I, alongside those students-turned-parents, have contemplated on one big question: “How should we live and bring up our children?”


I would like to launch a journey searching for the answers to the question at Cornerstone Collegiate Academy of Seoul. Because I witness those little seeds that I planted a long time ago having grown up, waiting to be harvested at CCAS.


I believe that at Cornerstone Collegiate Academy, everyone is entitled to experience the Kingdom of God regardless of your beliefs. It is the place where you can be comfortable to the never-concluded agenda of “how we should live and bring up the children.”


I imagine the day when David refused to armor himself and confronted Goliath with just five pebbles and his firm belief in the mighty God. Everyone, including King Saul was worried for that little soul but David was not afraid. And I believe that audacious day is upon us, here at Cornerstone Collegiate Academy of Seoul.


Chaplain Director Hyejung Sydney Choi

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Pastor's Greeting
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